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CANForum Annual General Meeting - 23rd June 2022

Thu, 6/23/2022

The AGM will be held on-line at 19:00 on 23rd June 2022.

In addition to the formal business of the AGM, we have some presenters who will also be happy to respond to your questions:

Councillor Steve Donnelly

Barrett Homes team talking about development of Cloister Corner
This is the large plot of land at the A40 end of Horn Lane.

David Tennant from Cap the Towers -

People who have signed up to receive a newsletter by email from the CANForum should receive an invitation with a link a day or so before the event.

If you want to attend but are not yet on the mailing list then please sign up at

If for some reason you want to attend but not sign up for the newsletter then contact CANForum via the email address on